I am new(ish) to Commander and Nighthawk having previously used several GRBL boards and UCCNC.
My primary jobs invlove milling titanium, which is a sod of a tghing to work with, particularly when using 1mm carbide bits.
My questions is;- how do I raise the spindle before aborting a job? As it is, if I hit "HOLD" I can't raise the spindle and if I hit "End Job" my expensive carbide bits grind to a stop on the workpiece.
Hi Mike, This is not really possible to do because it would be a safety risk to do as it may not work in all scenarios. Issuing a HOLD will hold the current execution of commands that are queued in the motion planner waiting to resume and cannot be overridden in that state.
If issuing an ABORT, for safety reasons, the Nighthawk will also kill spindle signal to 0V to make sure it stops spinning. This is because when a user hits E-Stop the controller isn't exactly sure why the user has done this.
Technically, your cutter has already cut through that section anyway so I cant imagine why it would be a big issue to have it decelerate in that location.
How often do you find yourself needing to abort a job and what reason do you want to abort it for commonly? - Dave