ive had a limit switch fault come up but its the P limit. anyone know what this is as i only have x y and z limits wired. the z axis jammed on the job due to clearance and set this limit.
if i re open software and try to probe it faults again.
I get a 'P' light quite briefly and assume it is induction noise picked up through my cables I intend to put screened cable eventually as I am getting no problems with it at the moment
Are you still experiencing the issue? If you launch commander is the P light red? If so, did you change the Probe type to Normally Closed by chance In the Peripherals tab of Commander? Some things to check: 1. If you have a probe, is the alligator clip touching the probe itself? If so, separate the wires. 2. If no probe is connected check the Probe type is set to "Normally Open" under the Peripherals tab. Any more issues give us a call on (07) 5522 0619 Regards, Dave
Ok P is probe fault. now why? as it was in the middle of a job.