This page contains links to all the manuals, guides, drivers and software that we have created or use for our products.
If anything is missing please let us know using the Let's Chat! box at the bottom of the page
CNC3D Commander GRBL Sender (exe)
Nighthawk and Nighthawk SCRIBE driver (exe)
Windows (Commander) WHB04B Wireless Pendant Driver (zip)
Mach3 WHB04B Wireless Pendant Driver (zip)
HBS87 Closed Loop Driver Software (rar)
CNC3D ESP32 Firmware Tool (zip)
User Manuals
Hybrid Motor Closed Loop Onboard (pdf)
Nighthawk CNC Controller (pdf)
​Nighthawk SCRIBE (Prototype) (pdf)
Useful Documents
HM48 Mill Conversion Measurements (pdf)
Laser Engraver Frame laser module swap (pdf)
Mach3 Simple Pendant key codes(pdf)
​Nighthawk VFD integration cheat sheet (pdf)
Nighthawk and Nighthawk SCRIBE communication setup guide (pdf)
Nighthawk 4th Axis Wiring and Setup (pdf)
Nighthawk 4th Axis to Dual Y Homing swap (pdf)
Nighthawk Ultimate Bee wiring guide (pdf)
Nighthawk RCM and Electrical Certifications (zip)
UCCNC WHB04B Setup Guide (pdf)